Crayons to the rescue
Sometimes (most times) when my mind goes completely blank looking at a fresh page of my sketchbook, wondering what to draw, fearing an uninspired, ugly sketch, I turn to the comfort of crayons. The sensation of just rubbing a rich, creamy oil pastel crayon on a sheet of paper feels almost cathartic. And the resulting page with its saturated, textured colours is quite satisfactory to look at.
I always keep a box of crayons handy, for inspiration is a moody thing, you never know when it decides to fly away.
The time is NOW
On most days, I get a sudden sense of panic during that lazy post-lunch hour at work. I get restless with thoughts bombarding my mind - not desperate, negative thoughts, but thoughts of great creativity, excitement and motivation. ...Of things I should be making, subjects I should be drawing, topics I should be writing about... endless lists bubbling in my brain. But a corporate schedule doesn't allow for sudden outbursts of crayon doodling, and by the time I get home, I'm too tired to pick up my tape and scissors to make anything.
So I've decided to try out something new. I am going to try to satisfy my creative urges whenever I can, on priority - whether there are chores to be done, the house to be cleaned or emails to be answered. Even if it means making an ugly, out-of-proportion fashion illustration, or just filling up a page vigorously with a creamy stick of oil pastel crayon, I'm going to do it.
Because the time to live is NOW.
Shedding season
Prayer flags in primary colours
Prayer flags in Bhutan, in primary colours or pure white, flutter in the cold winds of the mountains. For us, they served as motivator landmarks (let's reach the next group of flags and then take a five minute break) as we huffed and puffed our way to the 'Tiger's nest' monastery up the hill. For locals, it takes about an hour or so, but for us unfit, sedentary, city dwellers, it took more than two hours, mainly due to the uphill climb, but also because we kept stopping to take pictures of the breathtaking view from every angle.
Monster Mania!