I have been limping for the past eight months and a few days back, I was finally able to walk straight for a few minutes.
I have been a fast walker all my life; never had any patience to walk at a relaxed pace. In college, sometimes I would run from one class to another simply because I felt like. People would think I was always getting late, but I was just having fun running around the corridors and jumping off the stairs.
And here I was, with a diseased bone, limping slowly, and ever slower after my surgery. The day after my surgery I used a walker and slowly counted my steps - one, two, three... ... ...eight! Eight steps before I sat down to rest for the day. It felt like such a gift to be able to walk!
It has taken quite a bit of exercise to develop strength on my leg, but more than that, a whole lot of patience to get to this point. I have been dreaming of the time I will be able to walk properly, without pain, and hopefully soon I will. So I am thankful for this gift - something I never thought I would miss - of being able to walk.