Why do you hold back?
The rainbow never said
Oh no, I have too many colours
What will people think?
The rose never thought
I shouldn’t bloom today
What if I stink?
Why do you hold back?
The frog croaking after the rain
Or crickets chirping all night
Never turn their volume down.
Neither does a hoarse crow
Or a sweet nightingale
Fear the listener’s frown
Why do you hold back then?
Imagine if the sun thought one day
What if I’m too harsh and dry
Maybe I shouldn’t shine all my light
Or a star thought
There are so many others
Why should I shine so bright?
Why do you not shine your light?
Would you have lived
If you didn’t gasp for your first breath
Or cry for food like it’s the world’s end
Would you be who you are
If you closed yourself in a grey box
And decided not to be your own friend?
Why do you then dull your colours
Lower your voice and shrink your soul
Why do you hold back so much
Live like a fragment of the whole?